:: APIC ::
Chief Information Commissioners of States

Andhra Pradesh
CIC: Sri R. Mahaboob Basha,
Address: 1st Floor, MGM Capital, Chinnakakani (V), Mangalagiri (M), Guntur District - 522508
Off: 0863-2387310, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cic-apic@ap.gov.in
Website: https://www.sic.ap.gov.in/
Arunachal Pradesh
CIC: Shri Rinchen Dorjee,
Address: Arunachal Pradesh Information Commission, ESS Sector, Old Planning Building, Opposite Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly, P.O: Itanagar,Dist: Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh,PIN- 791111.
Off: 0360-2213952, Fax: 0360-2213216,  Mobile: --
E-mail: arunachal.ic@gmail.com
Website: http://www.arnsic.nic.in/
CIC: Dr. Ajit Prasad Rout, IPS(Retd),,
Address: Jonakee Complex, Shilpgram Road, Panjabari, Guwahati - 781037
Off: 0361-2337900, Fax: 0361-2332704,  Mobile: --
E-mail: secretary.sicassam@gmail.com
Website: http://www.sicassam.in
CIC: --,
Address: Fourth Floor, Soochna Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna - 800015
Off: 612-2215713, Fax: 612-2235466,  Mobile: --
E-mail: bsicpatna@gmail.com
Website:  http://www.bihar.com/RTIComplain.aspx
Central Information Commission
CIC: Shri Y K Sinha,,
Address: Room No.401, IV Floor, CIC Bhawan, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067
Off: 011-26717355, Fax: 011-26186536,  Mobile: --
E-mail: yk.sinha@cic.nic.in
Website: http://cic.gov.in
CIC: Shri M.K. Raut, IAS (Retd.),,
Address: Chhattisgarh State Information Commission Sector-19, North Block, Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, District - Raipur - 492002
Off: 0771-2512106, Fax: 0771-2512102,  Mobile: --
E-mail: sic.cg@nic.in
Website: http://www.siccg.gov.in
CIC: Shri. Vishwas R. Satarkar,
Address: Kamat Towers, Seventh Floor, Patto-Plaza, Panaji - 403001
Off: 0832-2437880, Fax: 0832-2438109,  Mobile: --
E-mail: spio-gsic.goa@nic.in
Website: http://www.gsic.goa.gov.in/
CIC: Shri Dilip P. Thaker,
Address: Karmayogi Bhavan, Block No. 1, Second Floor, Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar - 382010
Off: 079-23252701, Fax: 079-23252829,  Mobile: --
E-mail: gscic@gujarat.gov.in
Website: http://gic.gujarat.gov.in
CIC: Shri Yash Pal Singal, IPS (Retd.),
Address: SCO NO. 70-71, Sector 8-C, Chandigarh
Off: 0172-2726568, Fax: 0172-2783834,  Mobile: --
E-mail: ussichry@yahoo.co.in
Website: http://cicharyana.gov.in
Himachal Pradesh
CIC:  Shri Narinder Chauhan,
Address: Keonthal Commercial Complex, Khalini, Shimla - 171002
Off: 0177-2620166, Fax: 0177-2621529,  Mobile: --
E-mail: scic-hp@nic.in
Website: http://hp.gov.in/sic
Jammu & Kashmir
CIC: --,
Address: Jammu Office - Wazarat Road, Near DC Office, Jammu|Srinagar Office - Old Assembly Complex, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Off: 0191-2520937, Fax: 0194-2506661,  Mobile: --
E-mail: informationcommission@gmail.com
Website: http://jksic.nic.in
CIC: --,
Address: Room No. 104, Engineers Hostel-2 , H.E.C. Campus, Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004
Off: 0651-2401418, Fax: 0651-2401426,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cic@sicjharkhand.in
Website: http://jsic.jharkhand.gov.in
CIC: Shri N.C. Srinivasa,
Address: Room No.301, Mahiti Soudha, Devaraj Urs Road, Opposite to Vidhan Soudha West Gate-2, Bangalore - 560001.
Off: 080-22342090, Fax: 080-22341660,  Mobile: --
E-mail: sic-lkm-kic@karnataka.gov.in
Website: http://kic.gov.in
CIC: Shri.Vinson M Paul,
Address: T.C.26/298, Punnen Road, Tiruvanantapuram - 695001.
Off: 0471-2561623, Fax: 0471-2330920,  Mobile: --
E-mail: sic@kerala.nic.in
Website: http://www.keralasic.gov.in
Madhya Pradesh
CIC: Shri AK Shukla,
Address: Suchna Bhawan, 35-B, Arera Hills, Bhopal - 462011
Off: 0755-2556871 , Fax: 0755-2556872,  Mobile:  --
E-mail: ussicbho@mp.gov.in
Website: http://sic.mp.gov.in
CIC: Shri Sumit Mullick,
Address: 13th Floor, New Administrative Building, Mantralaya, Mumbai - 400032
Off: 022-22856078, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cic.mumbai@maharashtra.gov.in
Website: https://sic.maharashtra.gov.in
CIC: Shri Thounaojam Ibobi Singh, IFS (Retd),
Address: New Secretariat, Imphal-West Manipur
Off: 0385-2456495, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: ibobi@hotmail.com
Website: http://maninfocom.nic.in
CIC: Shri P.B.O. Warjri, IAS (Retd.),
Address: 1st Floor, New Administrative Building, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong - 793001
Off: 0364-2500160, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cd.kynjing@nic.in
Website: http://megsic.gov.in
CIC: Shri Lalduhthlana Ralte, Indian Foreign Service (Retd),
Address: New Secretariat Complex, Khatla, Aizawl - 796001
Off: 0389-2334825, Fax: 0389-2335550,  Mobile: --
E-mail: mic.mizoram@gmail.com
Website: http://mic.mizoram.gov.in
CIC: --,
Address: Old Secretariat Complex, P.Box- 148, Kohima - 797001
Off: 0370-2242398, Fax: 0370-2242368,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cic.nagaland@gmail.com
Website: http://nlsic.nagaland.gov.in
CIC: Shri Sunil Kumar Misra,
Address: B-1 Block, Toshali Bhawan, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar - 751007
Off: 0674-2571401, Fax: 0674-2570561,  Mobile: --
E-mail: odishasoochana@nic.in
Website: http://orissasoochanacommission.nic.in
CIC: Shri Suresh Arora, IPS (Retd.),
Address: Red Cross Building, Near Rose Garden, Sector 16, Chandigarh
Off: 0172-2864101, Fax: ---,  Mobile: --
E-mail: pcic20@punjabmail.gov.in
Website: http://www.infocommpunjab.com
CIC: --,
Address: Jhalna Link Road, OTS-MIT Chauraha, JLN Marg Jaipur - 302017
Off: 0141-2719136, Fax: 0141-2719071,  Mobile: --
E-mail: ric.rajasthan@yahoo.com
Website: http://ric.rajasthan.gov.in
CIC: Shri M.B.Gurung,
Address: Lower Secretariat, 2nd Floor, Opposite Supermarket, Gangtok - 73710
Off: 03592-205710, Fax: 03592-208526,  Mobile: --
E-mail: sicosikkim@gmail.com
Website: http://www.cicsikkim.gov.in
Tamil Nadu
CIC: Shri R. Rajagopal, IAS(Retd.),,,
Address: No.2, Theagaraya Salai, Near Aalai Amman Koil, Teynampet, Chennai - 600018
Off: 044-24347590, Fax: 044-24357580 ,  Mobile: --
E-mail: sic@nic.in
Website: http://www.tnsic.gov.in
CIC: -,
Address: Samachara Hakku Bhavan, D.No.5-4-399, Behind Mozam-Jahi Market, Hyderabad - 500001
Off: 040-24740107, Fax: 040-24740592,  Mobile: --
E-mail: cic-tsic@telangana.gov.in
Website: https://tgic.telangana.gov.in
CIC: Shri Kasthala Venkata Satyanarayanaa, IAS (Retd),
Address: Secretariat Annexe Building, Pt. Nehru Complex, Agartala - 799006
Off: 0381-2318021, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: tripura.info123@gmail.com
Website: http://tripurarti.nic.in
Uttar Pradesh
CIC: --,
Address: 7/7A, RTI Bhawan,Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.
Off: 0522-2724930, Fax: -----,  Mobile: --
E-mail: ebmaster.upic@gmail.com
Website: http://upic.gov.in
CIC: Shri Shatrughna Singh,
Address: RTI Bhawan, Mussoorie Bypass Ring Road,Ladpur Dehradun - 248008
Off: 135-2675780, Fax: 135-2675779,  Mobile: --
E-mail: uicddn@gmail.com
Website: http://uic.gov.in
West Bengal
CIC: Shri Basudeb Banerjee, IAS (Retd),
Address: 11 A, Mirza Galib Street, Khadya Bhaban, Kolkata - 700087
Off: 033-22520509, Fax: 033-22520501 ,  Mobile: --
E-mail: scic-wb@nic.in
Website: http://wbic.gov.in
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